
Druid Drops

Born from an arising curiosity to our own West-European spiritual ancestry, we seek inspiration in the heritage that is left behind.

Who We Are

We are storytellers, herbalists, artists, scientists, magicians and alchemists. We study and co-create with nature to support holistic health and overall well-being of all sentient beings on this Earth. 

Having dealt with disease ourselves, we were initiated into a journey to reveal what exactly was causing the dis-ease within ourselves and how it had a ripple effect on our lives, on our relationships and on our Earth. The gnosis gained from our life experiences has led us to the co-creation of Druid Drops. We are here to support the awakening awareness that we are inseparable from our natural environment. To learn and grow together how we can live a more harmonious and balanced life with every living being.
Through Druid Drops we offer natural ways to support your physical health, emotional stability, mental clarity, personal development and spiritual growth.

Next to the products that we offer in our shop, we offer through our website, social media channels, lectures and workshops information and inspiration about the natural world and how to return to a more organic way of living – in which the word ‘organic’ refers to a fluent, balanced, empowered, inspired, conscious and connected way of living in harmony with the natural world. We also offer individual support to empower you on your journey.

If you have any questions about our products, want to host a lecture/workshop at your location or would like to book a session for support – go to contact us.

The Druid’s Way

By listening to the voices of nature within and surrounding us, we learn to read the land where we live and navigate the inner landscapes of our being.
Born from an arising curiosity to our own West-European spiritual ancestry, we seek inspiration in the heritage that is left behind by our Druidic forefathers and mothers. They embodied a way of living in communion with the land. They were artists, singers, storytellers, shamans, healers, lovers of nature and mystics.

By reviving the Druid’s Way of living we learn how to connect more deeply with our natural surroundings and what it truly means to co-create with the nature of all things. By learning to listen to the voices of nature within and surrounding us, we learn to read the land where we live and navigate the inner landscapes of our being.

Living in respect for the Earth and all living beings. We honour life as a gift that has been given to us and act as guests on this Earth, while simultaneously honouring her as our home, as our Mother, as our guide, our support system and nurturing principle. Therefor we practice reciprocity: for everything we take, we give back. We care for and aim to nurture all of life. To live as a unified whole with the Earth and all sentient beings.

Alchemy, Herbalism & Magic

We like to build bridges and make new relationships. Therefor we cross-pollinate the Druid’s teachings, with modern science, alchemical processes, herbalism and add our own kind of magic to it, to co-create with the natural world.


Alchemy is sometimes said to be the forefather of our modern science. But alchemy goes beyond transforming a substance of matter. Alchemy takes place within transforming our inner dynamics into something that can sustain, nurture, support and inspire us.
So not only do we use ancient alchemical processes such as spagyrics to create the medicines we offer – but apart from their proven physical benefits for our health, these natural medicines are a teacher from which you can learn more about how to cultivate a deeper sense of awareness of who you truly are and your interconnectedness to all of life.


Herbalism invites us to listen to the teachings of nature and to explore the healing properties of plants on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. It learns us how to cultivate plants, harvest plants, which parts of the plants can be used for what illness, but most importantly it teaches us to perceive ourselves and the plants as a whole living system that is sustained by relationships. Modern Western Medicine is used to point down one or more symptoms and find a medicine to treat these symptoms. But a natural medicine is more complex than that. When you are working with natural medicines, you are interacting with a plant and all the information that is carried by the plant. Just like with any other living being you build a relationship with it and over time you get to now it more and more.


Magic is something that can be felt in our daily experience, we only have to open up to it. We add our own kind of magic to everything we create by working with intentions, crystals, sacred geometry, ritual and ceremony. Energy flows where intention goes and it is this extra love, care and attention that give our medicines a unique energetic imprint.
Setting an intention can enhance your experience of working with the medicines we offer and can deepen your relationship with the spirit of the plants, with yourself and your experience of life.

Learn more about the Druid’s way 
of alchemy, herbalism & magic

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